Basics of Linux
#90daysofDevops challenge
What is Linux?
Linux is an open-source operating system, It is a freely available operating system that can be installed on a wide range of devices such as desktops, servers, smartphones and tablets, supercomputers etc.
An operating system (OS) is a system of software that manages computer hardware, software resources and provide common services for computer programs.
Basic Linux Command:
1)Linux command to check your present working directory:
pwd : It gives the present or current working directory.
pwd :-
2)Linux Command to list all the files or directories including hidden files:
The ls command lists files and directories within a system. Running it without an option will show the current working directories content.
ls -la is the command to list all the files or directories including hidden files
l will display a long listing format of content.
a will list all the including hidden files and directories.
3)Linux command to create a nested directory a/b/c/d:
command to create a nested directory is
mkdir -p a/b/c/d
-p is for no error if existing, make parent directories as needed
tree command is used to show the nested directory.
Thanks for reading!! Hope you find this article helpful.
Sanjana :)